As a representative for MonaVie RVL I wanted to get independent perspective and have sought the highest authorities on nutrition and obesity.
Currently a UK GP only gets 4 hours of training on Nutrition. That was shocking to me but then it is no surprise that there is a problem in the UK, Europe, the world in terms of malnourishment to the point of obesity.
So what are the factors and perspectives on obesity (being fat to you and me).
1. 50 years ago people ate more, but were more active.
The answer is not in the reduction of calories, it is in the increase of our metabolism.
Dr. Paul Clayton
2. Increasing your metabolism and stabilising your blood sugar is the way to
effect the burning of fat
stop your body storing fat
Mark MacDonald
Science and diagrams behind this plan
3. The UK NICE recommends the adoption of a balanced diet.
As one of only a few Specialist Exercise Instructors in Obesity and Diabetes Management in the UK I prescribe exercise and wellbeing interventions that comply with the NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) Guidance on the prevention, assessment and management of overweight and obesity in adults and children. This Guidance requires [amongst other matters] the adoption of a balanced diet.
Mark Green
Personal Trainer | Exercise Referral Instructor |
Specialist Exercise Instructor (Obesity and Diabetes Management) - REPs Level 4
The current UK MonaVie RVL recommendation is that the monavie shake is taken between balanced meals to stabilise blood sugar and help burn fat. Only in this case is MonaVie RVL compliant with NICE guidelines.
4. MonaVie RVL has prebiotic which helps with digestive tract flora.
"My patients experience weight loss, improved bowel movement and their distended stomach is reduced"
"One of the challenges is that people skip meals, e.g. breakfast. I recommend them to at least have a RVL Shake if they are doing this as it contains a balance of Fats, Carbohydrates and Proteins... The ASEYE / ACAI Berry and its powerful antioxidants mop up any toxins associated with breakdown of fat in the body."
Christian Baytes, Osteopath
In addition the information gained at the MonaVie corporate presentation was that MonaVie contains a balance of nutrients, including ASEYE which is a natural wild fruit. There are no stimulants added to MonaVie RVL.
For more information on obtaining this weight management product or becoming a distributor or finding out about the business opportunity, please contact.
Mark N Hopgood BSc (Joint Honours) P.G.C.E
UK: 07767 875 550
USA: 904 638 9046
twitter: @marknhopgood
click buy to purchase MonaVie RVL at